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ACAD Installs Solar Panel at al-Kaabneh Bedouin School

Supporting and development of area 'c’ stand to be one of ACAD’s strategic objectives. To that end, a solar panel installation project funded by PAYS and jointly supported by Electricians Without Borders and ACAD has been implemented for the benefit of al-Kaabneh Bedouin School. The EUR-28-thousand project aimed to equip al-Kaabneh Bedouin School with energy-generating solar panels. This support fosters the steadfastness of al-Kaabneh Bedouin community in al-Kaabneh area, affirms the right of al-Kaabneh School students to education, mobilizes the energy of the school educational staff to use technology and devices in pursuit of better utilization of technology, and thus better school environment. What’s more, this project aimed at providing the tools that might improve the school environment, and maintain and support the educational process.

Considering the instrumentality of such a project in fostering the steadfastness of Palestinians in the Jordan Valley in the face of the Occupation policy to demolish the educational facilities and displace the communities living there, this project gains an added importance.

For more details: Installations of  Solar Panels for al-Kaabneh Bedouin School